Friday, May 24, 2013

Final Exam Review

World History Spring Final Exam Review

80% of the exam is STAAR type stimulus based questions with charts, photos, art and cartoons; you must read them carefully and think logically. The terms and events below will assist you with STAAR type questions as well as general knowledge questions.

Scientific method -

Laissez-faire & Adam Smith -

Casare Beccaria –

John Locke –

Thomas Hobbes –

Checks and balance -

Separation of powers –

Federalism –

Bill of Rights –

U.S. Constitution –

Declaration of Independence –

Tennis Court Oath-

Results of Haitian Revolution –

Gens de Colour – (Who are they, what do they want?)

Napoleon’s two islands of exile –

Steam engine & Industrial Revolution –

Bessemer process, puddling, coke – (what do they have in common?)

Socialism, labor unions and humanitarianism –

Proletariat –

Bourgeoisie –

Berlin Conference –

Liberia and Ethiopia during Imperialism –

“White Man’s Burden” –

Imperialism cartoons (review them) -

Economic imperialism –

MAIN Causes of World War I –

Unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman note –

Trench warfare –

World War I literature –

Treaty of Versailles -

Weaknesses of League of Nations –

Between the Wars

Economic depression –

Anschluss -

Appeasement –

Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression Pact – reason why –

Blitzkrieg –

Kristallnacht? –

African Nationalism during decolonization – (European view)

Cold War -

Ethnic cleansing –

Sample STAAR type questions from the test:

“I have acted with the same temper, anxious to prevent…the shedding of the blood of my subjects, and the calamities which are inseparable from a state of war; still hoping that my people in America would have discerned the traitorous views of their leaders, and have been convinced, that to be a subject of Great Britain, with all its consequences, is to be the freest member of any civil society in the known world.”

King George III (October 26, 1775)

1. In the above document, who does the king blame for the disorder in his North American colonies?

Excerpt from the Magna Carta signed by King John of England in 1215

No bailiff shall in future put anyone to trial upon his own unsupported testimony, without reliable witnesses brought for this purpose.

No free man shall be arrested or imprisoned or disposed or outlawed, or exiled or in any way destroyed, neither will we set forth against him or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers and…by the law of the land.

2. What do the statements about the Magna Carta above have in common?

Virginia House of Burgesses (1619): Established the idea in America that regular people should have some say in the way they are governed.

Mayflower Compact (1620): Established the idea that people could form their own government, making rules as they saw fit.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639): Extended the idea that people had the right to elect governors, judges and a legislature.

Massachusetts Bay Colony (1641): Puritans included a bill of rights in their constitution. These acts guaranteed that no one could be deprived of life, liberty, and property without due process. It prohibited cruel and unusual punishment and stated that a person could not be compelled to incriminate himself.

3. What do the above documents have in common?

Thomas B. Macauley, liberal Member of Parliament and historian, essay, "Southey's Colloquies," 1830's.

People live longer because they are better fed, better lodged, better clothed and better attended in sickness, and these improvements are owing to the increase in national wealth which the manufacturing system has produced. Mr. Robert Southey has found a way, he tells us, in which the effects of manufactures and agriculture may be compared. And what is this way? To stand on a hill, to look at a cottage and a factory, and to see which is prettier. Does Mr. Southey think that the English peasantry live, or ever lived, in substantial and ornamented cottages, with box hedges, flower gardens, beehives and orchards?

4. What is the author of the above passage trying to say?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

week 16 Framework---THE LAST QUIZ OF THE YEAR!!! YAY

Week S-16 Reading Notes
Western Society and Culture

Changes in Woman’s Lives
What reforms did women want when they started the woman’s movement?

The Growth of Terrorism
Northern Ireland: ___________________________________________________

Afghanistan: _______________________________________________________

What methods do terrorists use to achieve their goals? _____________________

Science and Technology
How did governmental projects help to create a new model for scientific research?

Religious Revival
What are two ways that the revival of religion was expressed in the 20th century?

Trends in Art
Jackson Pollock: ____________________________________________________

Pop art: ___________________________________________________________

Andy Warhol: ______________________________________________________

Postmodernism: ____________________________________________________

What are the characteristics of pop art? _________________________________

Popular Culture
Elvis Presley: ________________________________________________________

Beatles: ____________________________________________________________

Through what different media has American culture spread throughout the world?

Sports, Television, Politics
How have sports become big politics? ____________________________________

Conflict in the Middle East
The Question of Palestine

Why was there international support for Palestine to serve as a home for Jews?

Nasser and Pan-Arabism
Gamal Abdel Nasser: ___________________________________________________

Pan-Arabism: _________________________________________________________

Why were France and Great Britain threatened when Nasser seized the Suez Canal?

The Arab-Israeli Dispute
Sinai Peninsula: ________________________________________________________

West Bank: ___________________________________________________________

Anwar el-Sadat: ________________________________________________________

OPEC: ________________________________________________________________

What are the Camp David Accords? ________________________________________

The PLO and the Intifada
Yasir Arafat: ___________________________________________________________

Intifada: ______________________________________________________________

What were the terms of the agreement reached in 1993? ______________________

Revolution in Iran
Iran: ________________________________________________________________

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: ____________________________________________

List the reasons why the Shah’s government collapsed? _______________________

Iraq’s Aggression
Iraq: _________________________________________________________________

Saddam Hussein: ______________________________________________________

Kuwait: ______________________________________________________________

Persian Gulf: __________________________________________________________

Describe why Iran and Iraq have been in conflict for many years? ________________

Afghanistan and the Taliban
What was the political situation in Afghanistan in 1996? _______________________

Society and Culture
Naguib Mahfouz: _______________________________________________________

Which Arabic writer won the Nobel Prize for literature? ________________________

Thursday, April 25, 2013

week 15 framework

Week S–15 Reading Notes

Paths to War
The German Path to War
Rhineland: _________________________________________________________

Demilitarization: _____________________________________________________

Appeasement: _______________________________________________________

Benito Mussolini: ____________________________________________________

Sudetenland: ________________________________________________________

Joseph Stalin: ________________________________________________________

Where did Hitler believe he could find more “living space” to expand Germany?

The Japanese Path to War
Manchukuo: __________________________________________________________

Chiang Kai-shek: _______________________________________________________

Sanctions: ____________________________________________________________

Why did Japan want to establish a New Order in East Asia? _____________________

The Course of World War II
Europe at War
Blitzkrieg: _____________________________________________________________

Franklin D. Roosevelt: ____________________________________________________

In the spring of 1941, what caused Hitler to delay his invasion of the Soviet Union?  What   halted the German advance once it had begun? _______________________________

Japan at War
By the spring of 1942, which territories did Japan control? ____________________

The Allies Advance
Stalingrad: ___________________________________________________________

Midway Island: _______________________________________________________

Douglas MacArthur: ____________________________________________________

Why was the German assault on Stalingrad a crushing defeat for the Germans?

Last Years of the War
Winston Churchill: _____________________________________________________

Normandy: ___________________________________________________________

Partisans: _____________________________________________________________

Harry S. Truman: _______________________________________________________

Hiroshima: ____________________________________________________________
What was the “Second Front” that the Allies opened in Western Europe? __________

A German Soldier at Stalingrad
How accurate was the information received by the German soldiers prior to the attack?

The Home Front & the Aftermath of the War

The Mobilization of Peoples: Four Examples
Mobilization: ___________________________________________________________

Albert Speer: ___________________________________________________________

Kamikaze: _____________________________________________________________

General Hideki Tojo: ____________________________________________________
How did World War II contribute to racial tensions in the United States? _________

Frontline Civilians: The Bombing of Cities
London: _____________________________________________________________

Dresden: ____________________________________________________________

Hiroshima: ___________________________________________________________

Why were civilian populations targeted in bombing raids? _____________________

Peace and a New War
Cold  War: ___________________________________________________________

Why did Stalin want to control Eastern Europe after World War II? ______________

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 14 Framework

Week S–14 Reading Notes
A Story that Matters
The Great Depression
In democratic countries the desperate unemployed of the Great
 Depression turned to whom for answers and solutions to their plight?

The Futile Search for Stability
Uneasy Peace, Uncertain Security
Ruhr Valley: _____________________________________________________________

The Dawes Plan: _________________________________________________________

Treaty of Locarno: ________________________________________________________

Why was the League of Nations unable to maintain peace? _______________________

Geography Skills p 753
Compare the map above to the map of Europe before World War I on page 718. List all the countries shown on this map that are not on the earlier map
_______________      _______________      _______________      _______________
_______________      _______________      _______________

The Great Depression

Depression: ______________________________________________________________

What were the results of the Great Depression? _________________________________

Democratic States after the War
Switzerland: ______________________________________________________________

Weimar Republic: _________________________________________________________

Collective Bargaining: ______________________________________________________

John Maynard Keynes: ______________________________________________________

Deficit Spending: __________________________________________________________

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: __________________________________________________

New Deal: _______________________________________________________________

What did John Maynard Keynes think would resolve the Great Depression?

The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes
The Rise of Dictators
Totalitarian State: ________________________________________________________

What is the goal of a totalitarian state? _______________________________________

Fascism in Italy
Benito Mussolini: _________________________________________________________

Fascism: ________________________________________________________________

Russia: __________________________________________________________________

How did Mussolini gain power in Italy? ________________________________________

A New Era in the Soviet Union
New Economic Policy: ______________________________________________________

Politburo: ________________________________________________________________

Joseph Stalin: _____________________________________________________________

Five-Year-Plans: ___________________________________________________________

Collectivization: ___________________________________________________________

What was Lenin’s New Economic Policy? _______________________________________

Authoritarian States in the West
Francisco Franco: _________________________________________________________

Madrid: _________________________________________________________________

How did Czechoslovakia maintain its political democracy? _________________________

The Formation of Collective Farms
Why did the peasants resist the collective farms? _______________________________

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Imperialism, World War I, Propaganda and Russian Revolution Test Review

1. Define: direct colony

2. Indirect colony

3. Protectorate

4. Sphere of influence

5. Economic imperialism

6. What type of imperialism was the US policy toward Latin America?

7. What did the Industrial Revolution need from its colonies? (B)

8. define: Social Darwinism- (A/B/C)

9. What happened at the Berlin Conference?

10. Who and where were the Boers?

11. What did Cecil Rhodes want to build across Africa?

12. What two men caused interest in Africa to grow by writing stories about the continent??

13. What technological advances enabled Europeans to colonize Africa?

14. How were Africans affected by World War I?

15. What does the phrase “the sun never sets on the British Empire” mean?(E)

16. What was the effect of the Sepoy Rebellion on British rule in India?(E)

17. Study your imperialism maps of the world and Africa!(D)

World War One(A and F unless otherwise noted)

18. Define: total war

19. Trench warfare

20. Militarism

21. Mobilization

22. Conscription

23. Mandate

24. War of attrition

25. Propaganda

26. What are the 4 causes of World War I?

27. Who killed Frank Ferdinand?

28. What was the Schlieffen Plan?

29. List members of: Triple Alliance

30. List members of: Triple Entente

31. List members of: Allies

32. List members of: Central Powers

33. Describe the type of warfare that characterized the Western Front.

34. Why did Britain declare war on Germany?

35. Significance of battles: First Battle of the Marne

36. Significance of battles: Tannenberg

37. Significance of battles: Gallipoli (A)

38. What new weapons were used in World War I?

39. All Quiet on the Western Front: From whose point of view? (G)

40. Why does Paul NOT want to the kill the soldier in the shell crater? (G)

41. Who was US president during WWI?

42. What caused the US to become angry at Germany in 1915?

43. What caused US entry into the war?

44. Which nation lost a significant proportion of territory in the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk (ending the war)?

(45- 51 are A/F/H)

45. What treaty ended WW I?

46. Who were the “Big Four?”

47. Goals after the war: France

48. Goals after the war: Britain

49. Goals after the war: US

50. Name of Woodrow Wilson’s peace plan

51. Who created a plan for a new world order based on democracy and international cooperation through the League of Nations?

52. Propaganda-Objectives(I)

53. Propaganda-Tools(I)

Russian Revolution: (A and J unless otherwise noted)

54. Trotsky

55. Bolsheviks/communists

56. soviets

57. Duma

58. Bloody Sunday(J)

59. Nicholas II

60. V. I. Lenin

61. pogrom/anti-Semitism/holocaust (A p. 639)

62. Rasputin

63. provisional government (J)

64. communist government (J)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 13 Framework

Week S–13 Reading Notes

End of the War
The Last Year of the War
Erich Von Ludendorff: _______________________________________________

Kiel: _____________________________________________________________

Friedrich Ebert: ____________________________________________________

Armistice: ________________________________________________________

What happened within Germany after the armistice? _____________________

The Peace Settlements
David Lloyd George: _________________________________________________

Georges Clemenceau: ________________________________________________

Reparations: _______________________________________________________

Alsace & Lorraine: ___________________________________________________

Mandates: _________________________________________________________

What clause in the Treaty of Versailles particularly angered the Germans?

The Russian Revolution

Background to Revolution
Alexandra: __________________________________________________________

Grigori Rasputin:______________________________________________________

Petrograd: ___________________________________________________________

Alexander Kerensky: ___________________________________________________

Soviets: ______________________________________________________________

Develop a sequence of events leading up to the March Revolution.

The Rise of Lenin
Bolsheviks: ___________________________________________________________

V.I. Lenin: ____________________________________________________________

What was Lenin’s plan when he arrived in Russia? ____________________________

The Bolsheviks Seize Power
Ukraine: _____________________________________________________________

What was the impact of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on Russia? __________________

Civil War in Russia
Siberia: ______________________________________________________________

Urals: ________________________________________________________________

Who opposed the new Bolshevik regime? ___________________________________

Triumph of the Communists
Leon Trotsky: __________________________________________________________

War Communism: ______________________________________________________

Why did the Red Army Prevail over the White Army? __________________________

Connections to the Past (p 734)
Why do you think so many people, including relatives, would want to believe the story               of Anna Anderson? _______________________________________________________

Thursday, April 4, 2013

week 12

Week S–12 Reading Notes

A Story That Matters
The Battle of the Somme
From the article, how can you tell that even as early as 1916, the Germans were                            having a manpower problem as a result of fighting in France and Russia?

The Road to World War I

Nationalism and the System of Alliances
Triple Alliance: _____________________________________________________

Triple Entente: _____________________________________________________

Did the growth of nationalism in the first half of the 19th century lead to increased
Competition or increased cooperation among European nations?

Internal Dissent
According to some historians, how might internal disorder have been one of the causes             of World War I? ______________________________________________________

Conscription: ________________________________________________________

What was the effect of conscription on events leading up to World War I ?

The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
Serbia: _____________________________________________________________

Arch-duke Francis Ferdinand: ___________________________________________

Bosnia: _____________________________________________________________

Gavrilo Princip: _______________________________________________________

Emperor William II: ___________________________________________________

Czar Nicholas II: ______________________________________________________

Mobilization: ________________________________________________________

General Alfred von Schlieffen: ___________________________________________

What was the Schlieffen Plan and how did it complicate the events leading to World
War I ? _____________________________________________________________

The War

1914 to 1915: Illusions and Stalemate
Propaganda: _________________________________________________________

Marne: _____________________________________________________________

Trench Warfare: ______________________________________________________

Tannenberg & Masurian Lakes: __________________________________________

How did the war on the Eastern Front differ from the war on the Western Front?

Focus on Everyday Life
What was the rational behind the “live and let live” system? __________________

1916 – 1917: The Great Slaughter

Verdun: ____________________________________________________________

War of Attrition: _____________________________________________________

Why were military leaders baffled by trench warfare? _______________________

Widening the War
Gallipoli: ___________________________________________________________

Lawrence of Arabia: __________________________________________________

What caused the widening of the war? ___________________________________

Entry of the United States
Admiral Holtzendorff: __________________________________________________

Why did the Germans resort to unrestricted submarine use? ___________________

The Home Front: The Impact of Total War
Total War: ____________________________________________________________

Planned Economies: ____________________________________________________

Woodrow Wilson: ______________________________________________________

What was the effect of total war on ordinary citizens? _________________________

The  Lusitania
How did the Lusitania contribute to drawing the United States into World War I?

Describe the Lusitania’s route and where was it when it sank?

What mysteries were researchers able to solve by using underwater robot technology?